Women's International Network

Coronavirus Journaling for Expats in Tuscany

Journaling to Remember ...

Why do we journal… each of us will have our own reasons but some of the most common include: reducing stress, improving our immune function, boosting our mood, benefits overall emotional health and of course, let’s not forget that journaling helps keep your brain in tip-top shape.

Updates from the Board Members

We held an online Board meeting to explore ways we could reach out to our fellow expats.   It became quite clear how we all have been experiencing similar yet different emotions in this “adventure”. Below, the board members are sharing their thoughts and feelings in hopes that you might find a kindred spirit and know you are not alone.

Heather Evertsen, President

I have days when I feel good about things and I get up to conquer the day, and other that I experience every emotion possible and can’t function

Lisa Irene, Vice President

So how am I doing?? Depends… it depends on what day you ask me that question ... Some days I turn the music up loud and dance 💃💃💃
Contact us at Women's International Network in Florence

Expat Living Abroad in Florence ?

We are an active and varied group of women choosing to live outside of our “homelands” Talk to one of our board members about join us for support, practical  assistance, local know how  & some great laughs – email us today.
2 minute elevator speech :: TIps to look your best by Elia Nichols

Member Blog Articles

Original and helpful content  from experts within our group, guest speakers & so much more.

We publish a wide range of articles, ranging from dental care, to exercises and “benessere” and business tips like how to make an elevator speech or how-to-create a content calendar.

Check out our blog articles:

Jodi Koskella

I am feeling better this week after completely shutting down from social media and news- it works wonders!

Elia Nichols

I had no alone time. My kids are 2 and 5, and they literally never leave us alone. The amount of attention they require is exhausting and constant...

Lesile Pucci

There are moments when tears come to my eyes learning about people who are suffering, when worry about my children and family in the U.S. and fear of the virus itself and its effects on the world get the better of me.

Donna Denise Scharnagl

It was easy in the beginning to be dubious of it all. I mean we simply weren't getting a constant stream of credible information. And then, wow! We were getting way too much information.

Elena Speranza-Moll

I talk to the Doctors in the Hospital and ask them if I can help. “Do you need me, can I be of any help? I am trained like you...” “No, Elena thank you. You help us by doing what you are doing.

Liz Wicks

If someone had told me that I was going to spend a month quarantined in the house with my husband I would have imagined us constantly bickering, but the opposite is true.

Helen Bayley

Initially in shock and nervous, even to leave the sanctuary of my sunny apartment for food, lockdown proved to be very fruitful for me.

Elizabeth Baldini

A different quarantine

Joyce Barnet

We were both very productive all along, although I missed being in the outdoors very much.

Cristina Bianciardi

I was full of energy for the upcoming spring but suddenly everything stopped - just when I could have worked harder!

Sylvia Brighina

A TV commentator I like said that for him, it was like life with polio before the vaccine.

Everyone was afraid, but life went on.

Laura Gilbert

The steward serving me told me that there were only 25 passengers on the return flight from Frankfurt to NY!

Margi Hammer

It was a fascinating and self-revealing journey over six weeks, almost forgot covid was out there.

Mary Loscerbo

Unlike many, I was actually out just about everyday except for weekends during the Lockdown.

Jane Parkinson

I'm missing out on him as a newborn due to current travel restrictions but am excited about the prospect of meeting him in person and doing my stint as a nonna this summer!

Rossana Santoro

We all felt helpless but at the same time this feeling was uniting all of us and we were starting to react in a joyful creative way.

Giulia Scarpa

All the hugs and kisses, and the kindness and laughter I could not bestow onto my loved ones, I transformed into a volcanic energy to entice my students to following me . . .