Women's International Network

Raising Our Glasses: A Celebration Of Jamie O’Donnell

Expatriate living in Florence

Jamie O’Donnell was one of the founders of the Women’s International Network of Florence (WIN), which started in 1991.   At that time, Jamie, an expatriate living in Florence, asked Virginia Morris, US General Consul in Florence, for information on local English-speaking women’s groups. There was only one, the American League, known today as AILO, but it didn’t fit Jamie’s needs. Jamie was a working woman and needed meetings after working hours. With a few of her friends and by buzz marketing, step by step, a community of like-minded women was formed. The group would meet at nighttime to share potluck meals and discuss exciting topics.  The seed was sowed of what would blossom into the Women’s International Network of Florence and would illuminate the lives of countless women for decades to come

Jamie O’Donnel on right Susan Tintori in middle Andrea Davis on left

“Friendship today is still one of the strongest bonds that women share. Think of Lucy and Ethel, Mary and Rhoda, etc. After having resided in Italy for many years, and although I enjoyed good friendships with Italian women, I still felt that there was something missing. How do you explain peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, drive-ins, and proms (just to mention a few) to someone from a different culture? This was only the beginning of a long thought process which later evolved into setting up some basic guidelines of what we wanted to achieve with a social group that was to become Network.”  – Jamie O’Donnell

 by Andrea Davis and Susan Tintori

Connection & Camaraderie

Jamie O’Donnell’s leadership started as the first president of WIN, fueled by a quest for connection and camaraderie; set up a networking platform with the other founders, so women can share and learn from others through stories with insights, knowledge through questions and problems with solutions. Undeterred, she didn’t stop there; the network expanded organically, welcoming women from diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities, thus transforming into a vibrant English-speaking community of international connections, all living in Tuscany.  Hence, the reason for the name change to Women International Network (WIN).

Since its inception, the Women’s International Network has flourished, with membership expanding exponentially to over 100, all from numerous countries, each bringing many talents. Though the gatherings have grown in numbers, Jamie’s core mission echoes through the very fabric of WIN today. Monthly meetings serve as a vibrant hub where members convene for a social hour, engage with guest speakers, share meals, converse, celebrate victories, lend support, network, honor one another, and raise a toast with a glass of red, white, or prosecco.

Jamie O'Donnell's Vision

Jamie O’Donnell’s leadership began as the first president of WIN, fueled by a quest for connection and camaraderie. She established a networking platform with other founders to enable women to share and learn from each other through stories, insights, questions, and solutions. Undeterred, Jamie continued to expand the network organically, welcoming women from diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities. This transformation resulted in a vibrant English-speaking community of international connections among women living in Tuscany, leading to the name change to Women’s International Network (WIN).

Since its inception, the Women’s International Network has flourished, with membership expanding exponentially to over 100, all from numerous countries, each bringing many talents. Though the gatherings have grown in numbers, Jamie’s core mission echoes through the very fabric of WIN today. Monthly meetings serve as a vibrant hub where members convene for a social hour, engage with guest speakers, share meals, converse, celebrate victories, lend support, network, honor one another, and raise a toast with a glass of red, white, or prosecco.

An Immense Legacy

Unfortunately, our founder, Jamie O’Donnell, passed away in January 2024. Jamie’s legacy will always be remembered for her vision, drive, energy, smile, kindness, and devotion to family, work, and friends, which spilled over into her social life. The determination to connect with similar women egged her to reach out and create connections that created more connections through shared resources, support, professionalism, and personal development—resulting in a network engaging many international cultures coming together to celebrate the diversity and interconnectedness of women from across the world, yet living in one place, Tuscany.

As we raise our glasses in tribute, we honor Jamie O’Donnell – founder, visionary, and eternal guiding light of the Women’s International Network of Florence. In the immortal words of Bob Dylan, “May you be forever young.” Your spirit lives in the Women’s International Network’s strength, unity, and empowerment. Jamie’s legacy transcends mere organizational milestones; it is a testament to the power of human connection and the indomitable spirit of women forging bonds across borders.

Jane Fogarty and Kimberly Vanzi

Member Tributes

Those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Jamie remember her with a smile. She was president of Network when I came onto the scene around 1991. I was so impressed when I came to my first Network meeting to be welcomed by Jamie and a room filled with smiling, upbeat, and positive attitude women. It was a breath of fresh air and a place to have a bit of “home away from home” each month at the meetings. I got involved, and the rest is history. It is thanks to Jamie and her cohorts from Prato that Network was, and still is, a meeting of like-minded women who want to support each other in our expatriate lives and learn how to maneuver in the mixed culture society we all live in.

It’s sad to think that Jamie has gone, but her legacy lives on and on.

In fond memory,

Mary Westerman