Fried Sage

Fried Sage

Fried sage is versatile, completely vegan, and if you replace normal flour with rice flour it is completely gluten-free and even crispier. So get frying!

by Carlotta Conti

Vegetable oil (for frying)

3/4 cup (100 g) all-purpose flour

1 cup (250 ml) chilled Pilsner, lagerstyle beer, or sparkling water

40 sage leaves

Sea salt


Step 1

In a large pot, heat about 2″ oil over medium heat until a deep-fry thermometer reads 350°. Combine flour and salt in a medium bowl, then whisk in beer until almost smooth (some small lumps are welcome—don’t overwhisk or you’ll deflate the batter). One by one, dredge the leaves in batter, shaking off the excess; gently lay them in the oil, without crowding the pan. Cook, flipping once with a slotted spoon, until golden brown, 2-3 minutes total. Transfer to paper towels to drain. Devour while hot.


Variation #1:

Step 2

For an even tastier, crispier crust, fold 1 stiffly beaten egg into batter and proceed as above.


Variation #2:

Step 3

Get 3 salted anchovies, brush the salt away and separate the fillets in small pieces.

Place each anchovy piece on a leaf and cover with another leaf. Dredge the leaves in the batter and fry.

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