Retuning Your Body with Sound Therapy

Retuning Your Body with Sound Therapy

by Lisa Robbins

I am chuffed! I recently discovered a form of energy medicine that is so far out, yet so logical, so weird and so wonderful, that I decided to study it so that I can help my patients.  Heal with sound. Specifically, with tuning forks. Yep, those metal tongs that the musician uses to bring his instrument to the right pitch. Only, my forks are medical instruments, bigger than the musician’s tool, some of them, weighted, for work on the body. Just like my homeopathic remedies, the forks stimulate the body to heal itself. They restore vitality, speed up cell tissue, and organ recovery and reduce anxiety by working with imbalances that create pain or hold trauma.  Like all types of sound therapy, reprogramme cells to natural rhythms, relax muscle tissues and nerve centres, promote blood circulation and regulate lymph circulation.

My patients are less tired because trapped pain has been released because they can sleep better. Stuck emotions have been freed. Nervousness – that wired feeling, that running on adrenalin – can begin to dissipate. Patients better relax when awake, learn over time how to go more lightly. This allows open-mindedness and a greater capacity to cope when things go wrong. It also invites creative thinking.

Tuning fork therapy is also a diagnostic tool

It measures hearing loss, assesses bone fractures when an X-ray is not immediate and it monitors the peripheral nervous system

Am I having you on? Seems a bit airy fairy? I thought so, too. Until I learned about entrainment.

There was this cricket, see. ‘Breeep breep’, he sang. He wandered into the honey house on a farm, where a rickety old belt was turning a gear to mix the golden syrup for later bottling and marketing. ‘Badooom  badoom’, grumbled the belt. After a while, the cricket frowned and wiggled a bit on those upside-down knees that hoppers have. Now he rubbed the thick, rigged vein of one forewing across the hard surface of the other forewing more slowly, in time to the belt’s rhythm. ‘Badoom  badoom.’ He learned a new way to sing, in unison with this honey house environment.

Our bodies seek to unify with what is in the environment, always. Of course, not all vibrations have ameliorative effects. Physical illness begins with a misaligned, dis-eased vital force that is influenced by out-of-tune vibrations.

Sound therapy reminds the body of its own song

Each cell, each tissue, and each organ vibrates in its own resonant frequency. When vibrations are knocked out of sync, when they slowly slide into erratic patterns, mental and emotional stress begins. Ultimately, chronic health issues set in.

My tuning forks are calibrated to a precise sonic frequency (Hertz), for instance, the natural vibration of the heart or the knee, or a tight muscle.  Many parts of the body act as resonators. If I place the 64Hz fork on the sacrum, for instance, that helps balance the autonomic nervous system. If emotional energy is stuck, I tap two forks to create the interval of a seventh in order to release it. I restore harmony with the interval of the fifth.


As some of you know through personal experience, I am a UK-qualified homeopath, serving the English-speaking community. My remedies help patients achieve optimum health.

I am now complimenting my energy medicine practice with sound healing. At the end of January, I received a Certificate in Tuning Fork treatment from the UK’s Sound Healing Academy.  I need practice. I offer to tune your body without charge if you can commit to coming for at least three one-hour sessions, over a period of time that suits you.

At the WIN Member’s Fair this month, I debuted the forks and the benefits of sound therapy.

Book a free chat with me.

To learn more about homeopathy, a 200-year-old medicine based on vibrational energy, find me here.



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