What’s got you spooked?

What’s got you spooked?

by Lisa Robbins


Is there a nameless, deep-seated fear that haunts you? Anxiety or uncertainty that leads to restlessness or sleeplessness?

Do you worry that you catch cold easily? Are you prone to whatever is going around?  Does it take ages to feel better when a cold or C-19 strikes you down? Are you recovering from recent surgery and wondering if you’ll never be back on your feet? Are you always tired and drained of energy?

Ignore it, stuff it down, get on, right?

Or take a deep breath and look at what’s going on.

Look closely at those witches. Too skinny, too still. Fabric on sticks.

Your fears may not be justified, your imagination may be running wild.

Whatever is troubling, it may well be treatable, naturally, holistically, without side effects.


Book a 20-minute complementary chat to tell me what is going on. I will tell you how homeopathy can help, how I work. We can look closely at those eerie dark figures, and

take them gently down, one by one.



website: Robbinshomeopathy.com

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