Donation for Associazione Tumori Toscana

Donation for Associazione Tumori Toscana

Associazione Tumori Toscana

offers free home care to cancer patients


Associazione Tumori ToscanaEach year Women’s International Network donates proceeds from the raffle and donations during their Member’s Fair for an organization that contributes to the well-being of the community.

Last year, in 2020,  we had the honor of Dr. Spinelli at our November Meeting as a speaker.  His time with us moved our group to support his work within the area.

On November 17, 1999, in Florence, the Associazione Tumori Toscana was established. Dr. Giuseppe Spinelli immediately took care of forming a team of young and dynamic doctors and nurses paid by the Association itself and supported by a team of volunteers committed to respond to all the needs of families taken care of and to raise funds to carry out the mission. Over the years there has been a steady increase in requests for assistance and A.T.T. is now an important reference point for patients and also for health workers and currently operates in Florence, Prato, Pistoia, and their provinces.

Some of the many offers that the association organizes include:

  • Free Oncology Home Care Service
  • Psychological and Psychotherapeutic support to patient and family
  • Psychotherapy service for bereaved people
  • Psychological support for childhood and adolescence
  • GAMA groups for the elaboration of mourning


Your donation will be presented to ATT to assist in these difficult times to continue their important work.

Thank you for helping!


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