Spotlight Member for May 2024: Meet Savannah: Creating a New Life (Together) in Florence!

Spotlight Member for May 2024: Meet Savannah: Creating a New Life (Together) in Florence!

May Member Spotlight

Meet Savannah: Creating a New Life (Together) in Florence!

by Victoria De Maio

Spotlighting Savannah provided another delightful opportunity to get to know and share about still another accomplished and interesting WIN member!

In 2021 we met at a WIN ”Women in Wine” event and I found Savannah to be charming, friendly and engaging. So, when WIN rebooted at PSN in 2022, it was lovely to see her again! Always enthusiastic and outgoing, Savannah is also extremely supportive of others in the WIN community.

As it turns out, it was the connections and friendships she made at WIN that helped she and her husband make the permanent move to Florence. From Washington, D.C., they both embraced an international lifestyle and wanted to live abroad – especially since their work could all be managed remotely. Decided that Italy offered the way of life and the quality of life they sought, they then settled on Florence – a good decision!

Savannah and her husband, Ashwin, are entrepreneurs extraordinaire! As the founder of Olive Branch Strategy and Design, she combines her talents as a graphic and web designer with expertise in marketing and outreach strategies to help small businesses create their brand and grow their audience.

After moving permanently to Florence in 2022, her business expanded into the destination wedding planning sector and she applies her design and graphic talents in helping clients with all of their “big day” stationery needs – from concept to production to delivery!

Not a couple to settle on one or two projects, earlier this year, she and Ashwin launched another new business venture – this one centered around his background as a sommelier and wine expert. Together they have created an online wine education course hosted by Ashwin and fully designed by Savannah.

The course, unPINNED Wine, is self-paced and designed to be accessible, user-friendly and affordable (only $100 USD). It’s meant to me unpretentious and fun! They also offer a free “intro” sample session, and once you enroll in the full course, it is yours to enjoy and refer to for life!

Starting in July, they will be hosting in-person wine tastings (in English) here in Florence at the newly opened POSH restaurant along the Arno (July 12, 18, and 24th). Savannah will share more details on the tastings in the WIN Chat as the dates come closer.

So, what does Savannah do in her “spare time”? Baking sourdough, yoga, working on her Italian and, of course, spending time with her husband.

Something special for WIN Members!


Savannah and Ashwin are offering WIN Members a special discount on the unPINNED Wine Course!

$40 OFF the full wine course with code WIN40 at checkout. That’s the whole course for just $60!


Learn more…



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Olive Branch Strategy and Design

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