Reboot with an Acute

Reboot with an Acute

by Lisa Robbins

Looking for a natural fix from the comfort of home?

Reboot with an Acute.

In a short, online chat we talk about what’s slowing you down, robbing your energy. I give you a solid foundation to get out there and do what you want to do.

Has the cold, rainy weather convinced you to hang up your boots? Did you bring back sneezes and a red nose, along with your bags after holiday travel? Did gathering with family or friends (when you’ve been a hermit for months) pass on germs you could do without? Have you just tested positive for the contagious virus of the century?

Instead of a visit to a germ-infested clinic, address what’s bothering you now, at the kitchen table. I will look for a way to rebalance you, naturally.

I working mainly online these days, treating patients with hacking coughs, chest infections, chills, and fevers. From your bedroom or kitchen, tell me about aches and pains, coughs and headaches, in a half-hour Acute Consultation via Zoom or Skype.  I find a remedy best-suited for whatever troubles you right now. And I’ll bet my boots a nearby pharmacy will stock it, or be able to order it, in 24 hours, tops.

I follow up with an email to say how and when to take it and support you over the next 48 hours. Adults, children, whole families benefit from the holistic, natural support homeopathy offers.

In a few days, I expect you’ll be head over heels full of energy, even knocking boots!

Get in touch for details or a chat.

Warm wishes for 2022 from Lisa Robbins



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